I had never heard of
Buff headwear until a few years ago when my brother asked for a Buff scarf and I had to seriously question what he was on about. Few years on and I see so many people wearing them, for any outdoor people it's the headwear gear to be seen in for a good reason, you are kept warm!
It is a scarf, hat, ear warmer, pirate hat, what ever your imagination can stretch to, lovely layer of breathable, windproof, warmth.
keeping toasty warm necks in our buffs |
Readitdaddy is always on the look out for a scarf that doesn't irritate his skin. The lovely people at
Buff sent me some information all about the polygenine technology used in their products and said that they would send us an adult and junior merino wool buff for testing. I didn't even know they did junior ones and taking a look at their website there are even baby ones (amongst many other styles).
We loved the packaging both of our wool buffs came in, Charlotte thought this was excellent and was ultra excited by it and had it on looking something like this in seconds.
missing child alert! |
A Buff is essentially a tube of 100% polyester microfibre (or in our case 100% merino wool) that can be worn in about 12 different ways (check out their youtube channel
https://www.youtube.com/user/BUFFWEAR). After a few weeks of use we all found our most comfortable way of wearing it. Charlotte will drape hers round her neck and then when it gets really cold pull it up to cover her ears and nose with a hat over the top. It blocks out all the cold wind, you stay toasty warm and it's breathable. When she is annoyed with us she will just pull it over her head and be silly!
I hate hats but can't stand getting cold ears. I have my Buff used as an ear warmer, really cold winds on my ears and I just double the layers over my ears. Weather turns really cold, down over forehead, doubled on my ears and a bit over my head to keep the heat in.
The merino wool is ssssoooo soft. It is lovely against the skin, hand washed easily and dried really quick. It's lovely to wear, just how you want the perfect scarf to be.
a great ear warmer to keep the wind out |
Readitdaddy was so jealous of our buffs I brought him a standard buff for Christmas. It does feel different to the wool, it's not as silky soft but it is up to the job of being breathable, warm and keeps the wind out. The standard Buff comes with the polygenine technology which has really helped readitdaddys skin, with no irritation. He had minor irritation from the merino wool (nothing compared to the irritation from a standard scarf though). More about the polygenene technology and the benefits are here
http://www.buffwear.co.uk/faqs#question-14 and those at Buff HQ filled me in on a few more facts as well
this is how you keep the wind out on a cold walk |
Wearing width I found mine perfect for round my head but if I wear as a high scarf it can be a little lose as I'm petite, but they do make a woman's slim fit. Charlotte's junior buff is 4-12 years (she is just 7 and also petite) and she has the same problem, but will easily grow into hers. They are so stretchy that I've put Charlotte's on and not actually realised and Phil can wear mine and I'll wear it after and its gone straight back to its usual shape.
There are hundreds of different patterns and styles you can buy a Buff in, I'm glad our decision to select one wasn't ours. Plenty of plain to unusual patterns, including football team colours, something to suit every taste. It's easier to wear than a scarf, especially for children, and folds or rolls up really small into a pocket. I don't think any of us can go back to wearing a standard scarf now, I find a Buff so much more practical and warmer. Asking at our local bike shop and a high street chain outdoor shop and they both rate them highly and say how well they sell.
I love the look of the infinity buff for more casual wear and is on my to buy list for next winter but for the summer they even do a range of UV protective items for adults and children such as bandanas, hats and insect shields. Take a look at the
Buffwear website for more ideas.
These items were kindly sent to me by Buffwear in return
for this review. This has not influenced by views in any way.